Commercial Sarah Jamieson Commercial Sarah Jamieson

Fish Shack: Regional and Seasonal Feature Photography for Landscape Magazine

Photographs from a recent day out to Amble shooting the Fish Shack for Landscape magazine’s regional and seasonal pages.

Chef Martin was a great host and really helpful. As this was for the April issue we had to make sure there was no snow in the images. There wasn’t any snow, just a lot of frost! He was tasked with clearing the windows of frost but the only problem was that the pipes had frozen (a hazard of the location) so no coffee or customers! We made do to get the pictures we needed and I pulled a few people in from the Harbour for ‘customer shots’ they were quite glad to be able to cosy up by the stove.

landscape magazine flat lay april 2019
landscape magazine flat lay from net to plate regional seasonal article northumberland coast fish restaurant photography

“On the Northumberland coast, a café made from upturned boats serves food fresh from the sea”

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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

Professional Headshots for Adam Douglas Legal LLP Alnwick and Berwick

Recently I took headshots for Adam Douglas Legal in their Alnwick and Berwick offices. They were all really friendly, approachable people and I was impressed with the high percentage of women in the legal team too.

Check out their lovely new website with ‘our team’ page here

The website is by Sue Rudge Design

Written by Sarah

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

Coldstream Marriage Room Elopement Wedding Photography

David, Alex, Reuben and his teddy came to Coldstream Marriage Room for their ceremony, its a really nice registry office and Coldstream is a charming wee town. When David first got in touch with me he had a lot of questions and I managed to help him find a good local florist and somewhere for afternoon tea for the three of them for after the ceremony (which was the Collingwood Arms, nice and near and a lovely easy to find place too). After the wedding they headed off up into Scotland for a tour around and a bit of a holiday, what a lovely way to start your honeymoon.

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

The First Couple of the Season to be Married at Lindisfarne Castle for 2019!

“On behalf of Jill and myself I’d like to thank you for all your hard work on Monday. You did a great job despite the wind and cold. Many thanks, Tony and Jill.”

Tony and Jill had their wedding ceremony at Lindisfarne Castle followed by a family reception at the Manor House Hotel on Holy Island. There were only about 12 guests (including a newborn baby) but all guests were family, which made the day feel very intimate and special to them.

It was absolutely freezing and very windy but Holy Island always looks stunning.

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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

Interview with Anne Gray from The Heather Trust


Can you tell us about yourself and what inspired you to live and work in the Scottish Borders?

I am the Director of The Heather Trust which is a small charity operating across Great Britain that promotes good practice in moorland management. I’m lucky to be able to work from home. Apart from a spell of about 9 years in Edinburgh in my late teens and 20s, I’ve always lived in the Borders and can’t imagine being anywhere else.

Which part of your job do you feel most passionate about?

Promoting land management practices that allow people to make a living and that are also good for nature, carbon storage, and water management is really important to me. The challenge to do better for the environment is vitally important and something everyone needs to embrace. I hope I’m doing something to help.

What tips would you give to someone starting out in your industry? 

You need a solid grounding in environmental science and policy, but you also need to spend time with farmers, gamekeepers, and everyone else that makes a living from the land. Their experience and perspective is worth listening to.


Who do you admire most in the world and why?

I admire people who keep going for their goals no matter what gets thrown their way. Some people just seem to be made of very strong stuff. Most recently the young motor racing driver Billy Monger who lost his legs in a horrific crash and is making a comeback to pursue his dream of becoming an F1 champion seems to personify that. His whole attitude to recovery has blown me away.

Do you have a favourite quote that you turn to for inspiration?

Theodore Roosevelt said: “A nation that destroys its soils, destroys itself” and there is nothing surer I’m afraid. Soil, water, and climate are our life support system and we really will hit the buffers if we don’t get a better handle on keeping them in good health.

What is the biggest challenge you face in running a charity?

Maintaining funding to let us do what we do is a constant challenge. 


What does a typical workday look like for you?

I’m not sure any day is typical. Some days I’m in my office at home all day catching up on paperwork, reading the latest science or policy document, or producing a Heather Trust response to the latest government position. Some days I am out at meetings and others I spend the whole day outside with a moor owner or manager. The variety is great!

How will you use your headshots and how do you feel they will benefit your business?

They will be used on our website, in our annual report and to illustrate articles I write for other magazines and publications. People seem to remember images better than words, so if you want people to take notice of what you write, good accompanying images seem to be the thing that will make your words memorable. I hope so anyway.

What are your future plans?

For now, to keep doing what I am doing and ensure The Heather Trust goes from strength to strength.

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

A October unicorn themed wedding at Marshall Meadows, sneaky peek from Saturday

On Saturday I photographed Ana and Jonathan’s unicorn-themed wedding at Marshall Meadows, the wedding was unique not only because of the theme but also because everything was translated into Spanish to make Ana’s side of the family feel truly at home and welcome, from the vows to the speeches and even to the signs for the damas y caballeros!

The wedding ceremony wasn’t until 5pm which is quite late for light in October, we were very lucky with clear skies and looking out over the farm in the background were even blessed with a bit of a unicorn sky, how cute!


Their dog Banjo came along for his own photoshoot looking rather superb in a new bow tie..


This has been one of the most fun weddings I’ve seen even though I missed the ‘sumo costumed fight, first dance’! The cake was pretty amazing and hilarious too.

Jonathan hired loads of trees from Cheviot Trees in Foulden to decorate the hall, it looked quite spectacular and he did the decor all by himself.

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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

Corporate, Clean, White Head Shots for Vrio Europe

Vrio Europe is a business transport solution company with a UK office here in Berwick. Vrio staff in other countries had already been to a photographer for their headshots so my brief was to match that corporate ‘high key’ white background style so that Michelle and Jack matched in seamlessly with the rest of the team on their website and they didn’t have to travel to Spain for their photographs!

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

A Wedding by the Beach with a Quick Visit to the Fair

It was a stunning wedding day in Spittal for the new Mr and Mrs Bothwick, there are so many locations in Spittal for photos, the beach is beautiful with a view of Berwick or the North Sea and there is an amusement arcade which I don’t think has changed since the 60’s, there are pretty gardens and this 1930’s shelter is right next to the seaside too. When we arrived at the reception venue we realised that the fairground was in town and right next to us, luckily the noise was turned down for the speeches and they let us have a quick shot on the waltzers!

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

Cherrytrees Kelso, Wedding Photography in June for Chloe and Martyn

A few weeks ago, I posted a pre-wedding shoot on the beach with this lovely family. The day of their Cherrytrees wedding in Kelso came around so quickly and it was just beautiful! It's the first time I've shot a wedding there, and I loved it.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Chloe and Martyn thought about every little detail and it really shows… so enjoy!

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Family, Location Sarah Jamieson Family, Location Sarah Jamieson

Family Photo Shoot at Berwick Beach

Elaine and Wayne wanted some photographs as memories of living and bringing up their little boys in the Greenses near Berwick Beach as they are moving house and wanted to mark the occasion. 

We walked around to the Stanks for a woodland-type background before going down to the beach to build sandcastles. I can't say the session started that well as the wee one head planted the ground and gained an egg on his head but he managed to pull himself around after a good hug from mum; these boys are made of tough stuff!  

Written by Sarah

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Family, Location Sarah Jamieson Family, Location Sarah Jamieson

Beautifully Styled Family Photo Session at Home, Park, and Beach

Lisa chose 3 locations for her beautiful family to have their photography session. We started in the garden at the family home so to include the gorgeous dog, then we went inside for a few shots. Next, we headed to a local park which was down by the stream and we ended the day at Coldingham beach. It was a good idea to end there because of all the sand!

After looking through our What To Wear guide, Lisa had 3 outfit ideas picked out. I helped her match them up with the locations before we set off. I would usually advise against 3 changes as little ones can become impatient but these two little girls were absolute troopers.

Even though it was a really misty weekend (like pea soup), I think my favourite shots were taken at the beach at the end of the day!

Which kind of location would you choose for your own family session?

Let me know by email where you would go; town, your home, the garden, a river or stream, the park, beach, the woods or somewhere else!?

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Family Sarah Jamieson Family Sarah Jamieson

Capturing Precious Memories: A Delightful Photoshoot of Four Cousins at Berwick-upon-Tweed Beach and Pier

Today, I want to share a delightful photoshoot experience I had recently. It involved four adorable cousins, a beautiful seaside location in Berwick upon Tweed, and the desire of their loving grandmother, Linda, to showcase the unique connection shared by her lovely grandchildren. She wanted photos that didn’t just reflect their individual personalities but also portray their shared love for each other. As a photographer, it was a privilege to be entrusted with the responsibility of capturing these irreplaceable moments.

The sandy beach and iconic pier offered us a picturesque setting with stunning views of the North Sea. It was a brilliant opportunity to capture the cousins' relationship and their carefree spirits.

Later we gathered on the grass near the beach, the cousins’ vibrant clothes contrasting beautifully with their surroundings to make each of them stand out in their own way. These final shots really show the essence of the relationship of each sibling group individually and all together as a family.

Linda's photo session was an unforgettable experience for her family. Witnessing the love and fun shared between her grandchildren was incredibly heartwarming and the resulting photographs captured their special bond, ready to be proudly displayed as a wall gallery in Linda's home.

Why not take a look at my family location photography page? Just click the button below.

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

Nikki and Adam's Wedding at the Blue Bell Inn Crookham

Nikki and Adam's Wedding in Crookham was on a lovely sunny July day, after the church service they went to Nikki’s parents garden which was literally next door to the church then in the evening everyone retreated to the Blue Bell Inn for a meal along the road - a lovely relaxed day.

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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

Interview with Kathy Tiernan, Author


Can you tell us about yourself and what inspired you to live and work in Northumberland?

I’ve always been fascinated by history. I grew up in Northumberland with the past on my doorstep – a fourteenth-century tower next to our house!  My favourite book as a kid was ‘Sword of Northumbria’ by Philip Woodruff. It’s long out of print, but his stories of medieval Northumbria fired my imagination. Now, so many years later, I’ve moved back to Northumberland and am writing my own stories about its history. Although I’ve spent a lot of my working life in the south I feel I’ve come back home.


Which part of your job do you enjoy most?

When I’m in the zone and completely absorbed in what I’m writing about.

What tips would you give to someone starting out as a writer?

It’s important to learn your trade, but even more to write about things that really engage you.

What is the best feedback you have ever had?

When I was twelve my English teacher gave me top marks for a story called ‘The Storm’. Underneath it, she wrote, ‘I wonder if you will become a writer one day?’


Who do you admire most in the world and why?

I love Thomas Hardy. For me, he is a great writer about the English countryside and about the rural communities of his time.

Do you have a favourite quote that you turn to for inspiration?

“Show don’t tell.” It gets drummed into your head on creative writing courses till you’re sick of it, but it is the single piece of advice I return to most often.

What is the biggest challenge you face as an author?

There are two challenges for an author. One is to have the stamina to complete a novel, with all the revisions and rewritings involved. The second is to convince a publisher that you have produced a masterpiece that the world is waiting for.


How will you use your headshots and how do you feel they will benefit your business?

One of the headshots will be used on the dust cover of my forthcoming novel, ‘Cuthbert; The Making of a Saint’, to be published by Sacristy Press. I’m also planning to use the photos to create my author website.

What does a typical workday look like for you?

I write in the mornings, with a break for coffee. Depending on what else I have on, I sometimes work for another hour or two in the early evening. I try not to think about writing later in the day or else my mind is still plotting at 2am!


Thank you, Kathy, I'm really looking forward to your book coming out. I must say we had an eventful shoot, from the thick fog on the wild and windy causeway of Lindisfarne, to the sun beating down on us inland while we walked uphill to St Cuthbert's Cave, then on the way down you saved me from stepping on an adder snake! Such a fun and memorable day! Good luck with the book launch,


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Family, Location Sarah Jamieson Family, Location Sarah Jamieson

Sunshine and Rainbows - Family Session on Cocklawburn Beach

Mary's family gathered for a photoshoot on Cocklawburn Beach in Northumberland just before and during golden hour. The setting sun casts a warm and radiant glow, and the North Sea provides an aesthetically pleasing backdrop. It’s a great time for a family shoot.

I love that Mary's parents are standing proudly together, expressing their love and wisdom. The gentle breeze adds a touch of natural movement to the scene and the light along, with the people, brings the magic.

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