Commercial, Headshots Sarah Jamieson Commercial, Headshots Sarah Jamieson

Eat Sleep Ride: Business Gateway, Scottish Borders

I was asked to provide a range of business profile shots of Eat Sleep Ride for Business Gateway to use across various media in print and online.

Eat Sleep Ride is a social enterprise run by Danielle McKinnon who takes in problem horses for backing, schooling, and retraining.

Business Gateway helped Danielle secure grant funding from Social Investment Scotland which will help her to continue to provide educational, therapeutic and community engagement initiatives that are free or affordable to disadvantaged children, families, and individuals from a largely rural community.

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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

Interview with Vicki Owen, Psychotherapist and Counsellor

Can you tell us about yourself and what inspired you to work in Northumberland?

I'm a psychotherapist and counsellor working in private practice in Wooler. I've recently moved to Northumberland from Nottingham, having visited here on holiday for many years. I love being outdoors walking and cycling and Northumberland is perfect because you can easily reach both wild hills and beautiful coastlines.


Which part of your job do you feel most passionate about?

I am hugely privileged to do my job. It takes courage to decide to come for therapy and it takes effort and persistence to stay and do the work. I have such admiration for the work my clients do with me and it's wonderful to see them start to feel more whole, connected and alive as a result.


What tips would you give to someone starting out in your industry? 

Do the best training you can afford, have personal therapy, and do as much CPD as you can. If you carry on learning and developing, you will be able to offer to help a wider range of the difficulties that clients bring to therapy.

Who do you admire most in the world and why?

In the therapy world, Alice Miller was a tireless advocate for abused and neglected children, and the adults they grew in to. She died a few years ago but she has left inspiring books. More currently, Bessel van der Kolk is driving forward advancements in effective therapy for people who have been traumatised by painful experiences. One of his quotes I like is:

“Being able to feel safe with other people is probably he single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.” 

How will you use your headshots or how do you feel they have benefited your business?


My headshots go on my website and on the professional registers I'm a member of (UKCP and BACP). They give people a chance to get a sense of me by seeing what I look like before deciding whether to meet me in person.

What are your future plans?

To continue offering therapy in beautiful Wooler! I'm planning to run some groups and workshops too. Individual therapy is expensive so I'd like to offer more affordable options for people. I have ideas about topics for workshops such as relaxation and mindfulness, listening and communication skills, and I'd like to run groups for women affected by sexual violence.

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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

Headshots: John Casken, Composer

I spent a lovely morning with John in the stunning Harthope Valley (Northumberland National Park) shooting some head shots and details to include on his new website.


Before I went to meet John I spent some time listening to his work, 'Apollinaire's Bird', this was during the school run I must add, it definitely made the children go at a different pace with getting ready! 

Finding out about someones work and getting to know a bit more about their personality before a session always helps with how I choose to represent them in their photographs.  Talking with someone about their work can also inspire ideas on things to include/backgrounds to use/poses/props so a pre shoot consultation is always helpful if there is time.

I found you very easy to get on with, totally understanding of what I was looking for, and had a very good eye for composition and texture. I found the whole experience stress-free, and was very pleased with the results.
— John Casken
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Wedding, Family Sarah Jamieson Wedding, Family Sarah Jamieson

Chloe and Martyn's Engagement / Pre Wedding Shoot


I have been photographing Chloe, Martyn, and their 2 children for the last 5 years (starting with a lovely black and white maternity session if I recall correctly) so when they asked me to photograph their wedding I almost squealed with excitement - Chloe has the most amazing taste and the venue they have chosen together looks utterly gorgeous.


I thought this would be a good session to blog about as it is quite 'typical' now for a pre wedding session to include the couples children and pets, including children allows them to get used to my being there and photographing them with a big camera ahead of the wedding day which means they wont find my unobtrusive approach at all unusual or unfamiliar at the wedding, making the big day much more relaxed for everyone involved.

Today was also a special birthday for someone! The balloons were a great idea until...

Today was also a special birthday for someone! The balloons were a great idea until...

Ooops!  Well we did still manage to turn things around and get some lovely family shots on the beach..

We then left the kids with granny and grandpa and headed off, out of sight for a few couple photos in preparation of the big day!  I always think it is a good idea to book a session like this before a wedding, alongside creating a beautiful set of portraits to mark your engagement I can show you both how to look your very best together, Ill pose you in a way that looks as natural as possible.  


Here we are on the way home minus a bunch of balloons but plus 2 penny floater balls, compliments of Granny and Grandpa who kindly came along to help with the Daphne the dog and also to give us some time without the children to practice the couple photography!







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Products Sarah Jamieson Products Sarah Jamieson

Product Photoshoot: We Are Rushworth, Designer Knitwear Fashion

Product Photoshoot: We Are Rushworth, Designer Knitwear Fashion

This week we had a great shoot with 2 local models, Shaun and Dawn, for the designer brand We Are Rushworth. The styling and direction was led by designer Victoria Rushworth who was assisted by Georgia Thorburn (Georgia's creative mood boards were fantastically useful).

Make up by MUA Eren Saygilier, Bridge Street, Berwick.

After the studio work was done, we retreated to an old warehouse next door for some location work. We had an outdoor place in mind but it was raining so we might use that location on a new shoot.


Their story goes: We are sharp. We like to find our own way. We have imagination. We appreciate effort. We are not perfect. We are aiming high. We are Rushworth... are you?


I was glad of all the help in direction as WAR (We Are Rushworth) have a very strong brand that they follow so consistency is very important in terms of the look and feel of the images.


We Are Rushworth have projectWAR, a small and bijoux shop in West Street, Berwick upon Tweed, which is very much worth a visit but if you can't make it they also have a nice web presence here

Written by Sarah

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Children Sarah Jamieson Children Sarah Jamieson

Restoring Treasured Memories

Last week Susan came into the studio to ask if we could do anything with a treasured photograph of her children from when they were little, she had had the portrait taken of them and at the time had only been able to afford to purchase one framed print which had had to go to her in-laws where it had hung in pride of place on the wall for over 30 years. 

Susan had, at last, got the photograph back to hang up in her home but unfortunately, the grandparents were smokers and over time the image, which was not under glass had become stained yellow and was also badly marked.  

As you can see, there was quite a lot of colour work to do, removal of the staining and the marks and splatters, all in it took me about 4 hours to restore whilst retaining the detail, all the work was worth it to see the tears of happiness when she came to see the finished thing.  

As a mum, Susan's story really resonated with me and I enjoyed the challenge of doing something quite different from my usual work.






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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

Shooting for an article in Essex University's student magazine Nick Elwood

Nick had been asked to take part in an article for Essex uni’s Alumni magazine, but going all the way to Essex for photographs was not practical for him…

So I was asked to take some similar photographs to what was taken of the other person in the article. Nick arrived on his bike and even played me a tune on his flute!

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Children, Community, Location Sarah Jamieson Children, Community, Location Sarah Jamieson

Princesses For a Day: Sarah and Emily, Winners of 'Cash for Kids' Auction Prize

It’s every little girl’s dream to be a princess and for Sarah and Emily Macleod (aged 5 and 3) it became a reality last week when they were treated like royalty at Wedderburn Castle. A day of pampering and being treated like a princess was their prize in the Radio Borders Cash for Kids charity auction. The winning bidder was their dad Ross, who bought it for his 5-year-old daughter Sarah.

Radio Borders Cash for Kids manager, Candy Rafferty, said: “One of the radio presenters happened to know Ross and told me that he had two daughters and tragically his wife had died, so they didn’t have a mum. I phoned the owners of Wedderburn who immediately said they would be very happy to have an extra princess. I phoned the dressmaker who immediately said she would design two dresses. I phoned the hairdresser and it was the same.

“It’s just such a lovely example of the generosity of Borders people, and as the charity manager at Radio borders Cash for Kids, I am blown away by it every single day.”

On arriving at the castle for a day, Sarah and Emily were greeted in regal style and escorted to the Wedderburn’s grandest chamber, where they had their hair styled and were fitted out with tiaras and princess outfits from ‘A Perfect Fit’ in Coldstream.

Attending the princesses were Brian Rafferty, Royal Warrant holder and hairdresser to HRH the Queen when she is in Scotland, and a dressmaker, lady-in-waiting, and courtiers from Radio Borders and Wedderburn Castle.

Amongst the princesses’ royal duties was the official opening of Wedderburn Barns, a new rustic party and wedding venue in the former Georgian stables at Wedderburn Castle. The princesses cut the ribbon on the barns, toured the premises and had official photographs taken at the castle and barns by Pictorial Photography.

Other official engagements included sealing documents and letters at the grand dining room table at Wedderburn and inspecting the castle and grounds to ensure that all is in order. Lunch for the princesses included a selection of special cupcakes designed especially for the day by Borders Cakes and Cupcakes.

A horse-drawn carriage ride around the ground of the castle finished off their day, courtesy of the Cornhill Carriage Company. Then after spending the day being treated like royalty in the castle, it was back to reality for the two girls.

Cash for Kids is the official charity of Radio Borders and provides a helping hand to children around the Scottish Borders and North Northumberland. They are currently running their Christmas Mission to help the thousands of children in poverty who would otherwise wake up to a Christmas without presents this year. They’re asking you to buy just one extra present this year - new and unwrapped gifts suitable for children and young people or make a cash donation online, in person or over the phone.

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Products Sarah Jamieson Products Sarah Jamieson

Luxe Spa Studio Product Shoot

A bit different to our usual studio work, today I photographed some spa and pool chemicals for the Luxe Spa website.  Luxe Spa required 'cut out' white background images to match in with what was already on their website.  The photographs needed to be clean and simple to accurately display their products on the online e-commerce website.

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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

Interview with Jen Doherty, Publisher and Celebrant

Can you tell us what a typical workday looks like for you?

It varies. If I'm researching a book, I'll be puttering about in the place I'm thinking of writing about. I'll be buying postcards, talking to people, gazing at things, and listening in the cafes; I love this stage of things.

If I'm meant to be writing, I will probably be up to date with housework, clothes all laundered, visits to distant friends in the diary… Eventually, writing will begin…

If I'm at the point where a book is going to press, there is a lot of checking and dashing about to make sure it all looks right.

Most of the time, life is somewhere in between.

Which part of your job do you feel most passionate about?

In writing, it's about giving children representation of the place they live in. I love it when someone recognises their street or the beach where they play.

I also very much enjoy offering young illustrators a chance to work on a book.

What tips would you give to someone starting out in your industry?

Muse on it. Get some information. Make sure it won't sink you if it goes wrong. Then do it, if it feels remotely right.

What is the best feedback you have ever had from a client?

I've had some lovely letters from young readers, and it's been great to see some of the books used in schools.

Who do you admire most in the world and why?

No singular person, but I have huge admiration for the people who maintain good cheer in the midst of difficulty. Not simply surface cheeriness, but the kind of quiet joy that comes from engaging deeply with whatever they are doing. When my mother was in a nursing home in her final months, there was one helper who so obviously relished her work, and cherished the patients, that it was like standing in a light just being in the room where she was working.

Do you have a favourite quote that you turn to for inspiration?

"Everything serves."

It took me a while to sense the truth in that (and when I think about some of the suffering the in the world, I sometimes question it), but over the years, I've found it to be pretty much true.

What are your future plans for Serafina Press?

More books. More places, but probably still in a small, gradual way. We're taking a break from launching anything this year, but the next book, set in Mull, is written and is in the works. Gillian Stewart - the same young illustrator who worked on The Unicorn of Holy Island - is already creating the images.

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Products Sarah Jamieson Products Sarah Jamieson

Product Photography for Hide and Tweed's Lovely Gift Range

Julie handcrafts her own limited range of beautiful leather gifts to sell on etsy. 

We shot product description photographs to showcase her work online using an old barn door I had here in the studio to give a more natural look to the photography.

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Commercial, Products Sarah Jamieson Commercial, Products Sarah Jamieson

Specialist Car and Campervan Rental Website Photography at Wedderburn Castle

I've been allowed to drive some superb cars in the name of photography. Just look at this VW Bumblebee Camper Van; it’s my favourite, and you can even watch movies on the dashboard! 

Car photography is not my usual line of work but this job was a real joy. The owners of Arkvendor Specialist Car Hire have some stunning vehicles to hire and wanted to showcase some on their website. Our friends at Wedderburn Castle allowed us the use of their grounds for this photo shoot which makes it extra special. It’s a real cross-border collaboration.

Written by Sarah

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Products Sarah Jamieson Products Sarah Jamieson

Tumbling Birds Product Studio and Location Shoot with Models

These adorable products and cute wee model sessions were shot over a few mornings a while back in preparation for Jodie's new company commerce website Tumbling Birds. The site was designed and developed by Northern Lab in Berwick.

Jodie uses lovely bright colours in her designs so we produced some simply styled product shots on a grey background to show off the vibrant clothing for eye-catching product descriptions. We spent a fun picnic afternoon at the farm with all the babies to illustrate how these lovely items could be used. These photographs have been used in the banners and galleries on Jodie’s new site.

Written by Sarah

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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

Maltings Theatre Board Like You’ve Never Seen Them Before!

These pictures of Northumberland theatre trustees go to show that board meetings don’t have to be boring!

Walking over the cobbles along the tranquil Tweed to the Quayside is my treasured morning ritual. It allows me to clear those thoughts and plan the day ahead. I had the board of the Maltings Theatre coming in for a photo shoot that evening and I felt in need of a flash of inspiration to help decide what exactly I was going to do when they arrived.

I couldn’t help it but the word ‘board’ was not filling me with enthusiasm or creativity. I also had the feeling that the people coming in may not be too keen on getting their pictures taken.

The Maltings is a creative and theatrical place so I wanted to take some photos that captured the essence of how it both inspires and entertains.

Ros Lamont, Maltings Head of External Affairs, booked the headshot sessions and loved the idea of an alternative shoot but had concerns about not all of the board members being up for such radical photographs. I assured her that I would do my best to enthuse them and start the session with a traditional portrait of each member to put the subjects’ minds at rest.

I decided to put the theatre board’s acting skills to the test. They had all come prepared for a traditional corporate studio headshot with lovely ironed shirts and combed hair, but that is not what I had in mind.

It took a bit of time to explain what my ideas were but surprisingly nobody was too phased! We had a complete riot and there were blood-curdling screams and roars coming from my little studio - I wonder what the neighbours thought? Some of the subjects needed a little help or coaxing with getting the expressions out so I was asking questions and telling them stories and scenarios. This technique can be very helpful in photography. You have to show some emotions to evoke them from your subject at times.

So that was my evening of turning a potentially dull photo shoot into a really fun and impactful art project. I’d love to know your thoughts; feel free to comment below!

Written by Sarah

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