Chloe and Martyn's Engagement / Pre Wedding Shoot
I have been photographing Chloe, Martyn, and their 2 children for the last 5 years (starting with a lovely black and white maternity session if I recall correctly) so when they asked me to photograph their wedding I almost squealed with excitement - Chloe has the most amazing taste and the venue they have chosen together looks utterly gorgeous.
I thought this would be a good session to blog about as it is quite 'typical' now for a pre wedding session to include the couples children and pets, including children allows them to get used to my being there and photographing them with a big camera ahead of the wedding day which means they wont find my unobtrusive approach at all unusual or unfamiliar at the wedding, making the big day much more relaxed for everyone involved.
Today was also a special birthday for someone! The balloons were a great idea until...
Ooops! Well we did still manage to turn things around and get some lovely family shots on the beach..

We then left the kids with granny and grandpa and headed off, out of sight for a few couple photos in preparation of the big day! I always think it is a good idea to book a session like this before a wedding, alongside creating a beautiful set of portraits to mark your engagement I can show you both how to look your very best together, Ill pose you in a way that looks as natural as possible.

Here we are on the way home minus a bunch of balloons but plus 2 penny floater balls, compliments of Granny and Grandpa who kindly came along to help with the Daphne the dog and also to give us some time without the children to practice the couple photography!