Interiors, Products Sarah Jamieson Interiors, Products Sarah Jamieson

Rooms and Gourmet Food at Redhall Cottage Restaurant in Eyemouth

Rooms and Gourmet Food at Redhall Cottage Restaurant in Eyemouth

Redhall Cottage Restaurant was having its old website updated by Northern Lab and needed new photographs of the interior and exterior as well as some shots to showcase the mouth-watering food that they offer. I got to taste the dishes after the shoot and I must say the food was delicious!


Check out Northern Labs and Redhall Cottage’s new website via the links below!

Written by Sarah

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Children Sarah Jamieson Children Sarah Jamieson

Home Visit to Baby Wren and Mum at 11 Days Old, New-born Photography

Baby Wren is 11 days old today, she has the most beautiful eyes and a cheeky little smirk, I can see that she is going to have a lot of personality already, and with two older brothers, she's going to need it!

Wren was wide awake for the shoot (which was a very quick shoot) but I think it worked well for her.

Those first few days go so quickly, and you seem to walk around in such a daze, it's hard to remember now but I'm so glad to have those early photographs of my babies to look back on.

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Commercial Sarah Jamieson Commercial Sarah Jamieson

Allan Brothers Ltd. Bi-Centenary Supplement for The Berwick Advertiser

Working with HOME strategic at Allan Bros Ltd, Berwick to create images that will illustrate a 12 page supplement commissioned about their Bi-Centenary year to go out in the Tweeddale Press newspapers this summer.

The images were shot over several days and involved some interesting projects and topics. Apart from being in the factory shooting key staff and interiors and meeting 2 of the joinerettes who took over working in the factory during the war. I was sent out to Berwick Fire Station and RNLI station to photograph staff who give their time to these roles and are supported by their work. I went out to Horncliffe and Berwick to photograph the home's the Allan Brothers lived in, I even visited the grave stones!

I have to say though, the highlight for me was going up high in a caged fork lift for the large group shot outside head office, that beats a ladder hands down!

'Allan Brothers, based in Berwick-Upon-Tweed, celebrates its bi-centenary this year and is a name still synonymous with the manufacture of quality timber windows and doors for customers throughout the UK."We are a 21st-century company but with a heritage we are proud of," says managing director Jan Ehlers Lonstrup. "Windows represent a major investment and we offer the right solutions for our customers who are looking for craftsmanship, sustainability, security and a supplier they can trust and have confidence in."While Allan Brothers have designed and manufactured traditional sash windows for many years, their latest designs incorporate modern thinking and technology coupled with traditional styling."We are an action-oriented group with a strong consumer focus," says Jan. "Everyone we communicate with, independent of their professional role, is a consumer and it's that consumer we choose to talk to"

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Products Sarah Jamieson Products Sarah Jamieson

David Wightman Artist - Fellow of Berwick's Gymnasium Gallery

I photographed some artwork by David Wightman who is a fellow at Berwick's Gymnasium Gallery.  The detailed and fascinating landscape image shown consists of collaged wallpaper on canvas. 

The painting was lit in the studio with flash to accurately record the colours for large scale reproduction and use in brocures and online.

For information on David’s work please visit

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Commercial Sarah Jamieson Commercial Sarah Jamieson

Farm Workers and Family Christmas Fireworks Party at Cranshaws near Duns

Farm Workers and Family Christmas Fireworks Party at Cranshaws near Duns

An exciting and technically challenging night at a rainy staff fireworks display and coloured bonfire disco night at a farm in Cranshaws near Duns.


It was extremely cold and wet. I was up to the ankles in mud. It was extremely dark… so it was a bit of a challenge for the photography but with a few little tricks we turned out some creative and exciting imagery. The local chippy delivered about 50 portions of fish and chips and there were some really yummy brownies on offer which obviously helped with the photo-taking. Everyone had a brilliant time and luckily the rain didn't spoil the fun!


Fireworks and blue/green bonfire by

Written by Sarah

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Commercial Sarah Jamieson Commercial Sarah Jamieson

Natural Daylight and Ventilation Domes used at The New Tesco Building in Berwick

Natural Daylight and Ventilation Domes used at The New Tesco Building in Berwick

Shooting for Tesco and Passivent's PR company to illustrate the natural daylight and ventilation domes being used at the new Tesco Building in Berwick.

I took a photograph of the office inside Tesco and shot it using only the natural light coming in from outside.

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FAQs Sarah Jamieson FAQs Sarah Jamieson

Mini Shoots

What should I wear? What do we need to bring?  It is important to wear what reflects who you actually are, we want you to feel comfortable.

I only need one photograph, can you do that? To give the best possible quality and choice I take lots of photographs and select the best, however yes you can purchase one from the bunch.

What if my children are naughty or shy? I expect nothing else! As a mother I completely understand, sometimes a bit of mischief can make great photographs so don’t worry, I know every trick in the book to get a giggle and a few shots that will make your heart sing!

What if I need to reschedule?  To reschedule a session or ordering appointment, please give us at least 24 hours advance notice. 

Extended family are welcome if you would like to share the cost.

We can only be available for a shoot on a weekend but you only seem to have weekday availability? Weekend slots are snapped up very quickly so weekday slots quickly become our only available time slots.

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FAQs Sarah Jamieson FAQs Sarah Jamieson


Frequently asked questions about our business headshot sessions.

How much does a headshot cost?

What is included?

I only need one picture - can you do this?

What if there are lots of us?

Why should I have professional headshots taken?

Why should I choose you for headshots?

Where does the shoot take place?

What should I wear?

Can I have my hair and make up done beforehand?

How long does it take?

What happens afterwards?

Will you airbrush me?

Why cant I see all the photographs you took at the shoot?

I need a profile picture but I hate having my picture taken!

How can I use the photographs?

How do I book?

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FAQs Sarah Jamieson FAQs Sarah Jamieson

Family Portrait Sessions

Frequently asked questions about family location sessions.

How much does a location session cost?  Our session fee is £75 we usually work within 35 miles of Berwick-upon-Tweed.

Are there any prints included with my session?

We don't live locally, can you travel to us for our session?  We can go further afield if you have a specific location in mind - just get in touch for a quote.

I only need one photograph, can you do that? To give the best possible quality and choice I take lots of photographs and select the best, however yes you can purchase one from the bunch.

I only want digital images to print myself, can you do this?

Do you only work outdoors?

What if the weather is bad? Heavy rain or high winds put a stop to an outdoor shoot, if the forecast is bad we will be in touch before the shoot to discuss other options - this may mean changing the time of the shoot or rescheduling to another suitable day.

Do you do newborn posing? No, I prefer babies to look natural and unposed - if you have something specific in mind I can recommend some great photographers who specialise in this type of newborn posing, best left to the experts!

Where will we go for our session?

What if my children are naughty or shy? I expect nothing else! As a mother I completely understand, sometimes a bit of mischief can make great photographs so don’t worry, I know every trick in the book to get a giggle and a few shots that will make your heart sing!

We don't live locally, can you travel to us for our session?

Can you fix spotty/dry skin?

How many photographs do you take?

I don't like my photo taken, can you just take photographs of the children? 

How do we view our photographs?

Why can't we view our photographs online?

Can I pay in instalments?

What should I wear? What do we need to bring?  It is important to wear what reflects who you actually are, we want you to feel comfortable.

Can I share the cost and invite extended family along?  Extended family are welcome if you would like to share the cost.

We can only make weekends, how do we book?

We can only be available for a shoot on a weekend but you only seem to have weekday availability? Weekend slots are snapped up very quickly so weekday slots quickly become our only available time slots.

What if I need to reschedule?  To reschedule a session or ordering appointment, please give us at least 24 hours advance notice. 

Product and price guide download?


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Products Sarah Jamieson Products Sarah Jamieson

High End Scottish Tartan Fire Bellows on The Coast

High-End Scottish Tartan Fire Bellows on The Coast

Today was a great day to photograph some top-quality tartan fire bellows. Ruth, the maker, was looking to create a strong theme to reflect these unique products so there was nothing else for it but to use the beautiful natural environment which surrounds us as a backdrop.  

We started the shoot in the countryside. However, after a brief but slightly scary encounter with a large herd of cows and some barbed wire, we retreated to the calm of the coast.

We also shot some exotic skin bellows and hair on hide bellows. The fabric and natural photography give these traditional products and their marketing a contemporary twist which must be working well because Ruth has recently had some fantastic press and PR in magazines such as House and Garden, Country Life, Living North, and Scottish Field, mostly featuring my photography.

Ruth is mad but in a fun kind of way. She has amazing creative ideas and we had a great time working together, bouncing ideas around and drinking cups of tea.

People have been nagging her to put a portrait of herself on her website as she makes all the bellows herself. Reluctantly she obliged and after a lot of giggling, I think you'll agree we got a lovely natural shot of her.

Check out Ruth’s website for more information or to purchase one of these fine objects.

Written by Sarah

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Commercial Sarah Jamieson Commercial Sarah Jamieson

Thurston Manor Publicity Photo Shoot

Thurston Manor Publicity Photo Shoot

Over 2 days I photographed this vast 5-star holiday park's fantastic array of facilities which include a freshwater fishing lake, gym, swimming pool, entertainment lounges, restaurant, lodge interiors, holiday homes, and caravans. 

These photographs are to be used for national press advertising for the park and also in future brochures and on their website.

Having worked in the past at the head office of Parkdean Holidays in Newcastle I had a good understanding and insight as to what Dunham Leisure required from me on this shoot.

Follow the link below to visit their website!

Written by Sarah

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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

PR Photograph of Aitken Walker, Duns for a Trade Magazine feature on Jet Garages

PR Photograph of Aitken Walker, Duns for a Trade Magazine feature on Jet Garages

A commercial commission from ProvaPR and Jet Service Stations for a trade media article based on the Duns firm Aitken-Walker Cars and their new Jet garage.

The first is a more dynamic magazine image with a moody sky (that's photographer speak for a gloomy day!) leaving space for headings and the second image is a more traditional newspaper article-type photograph. I leave the choices to the PR company.

Thanks to Graham and his wife for taking time out of their busy day and braving the drizzle and thank you to Emma at ProvaPR for organising the shoot at the last minute.

Written by Sarah

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Interiors, Products Sarah Jamieson Interiors, Products Sarah Jamieson

Interior Property Photography, Ingram Northumberland National Park


Photographs from a recent shoot at some 5* holiday cottages.

Holiday cottage photography in Ingram, near Wooler - Northumberland

Many of our clients run guest houses, holiday cottages, hotels, bed and breakfast accomodation and restaurants within the Northumbrian tourism market.  Whilst being able to successfully light and photograph a room to show it at it's best, Sarah understands that an exceptional holiday or dining experience is judged on the details.

Sarah is able to produce a set of images that tell an inviting and interesting story - to really show your business off.

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Commercial, Products Sarah Jamieson Commercial, Products Sarah Jamieson

Eduardo Paolozzi Exhibition and Berwick’s Burrell Collection

Eduardo Paolozzi Exhibition and Berwick’s Burrell Collection

I've recently been doing a bit of work for Berwick Visual Arts; firstly documenting the 'Eduardo Paolozzi' exhibition and then the latest exhibition 'Berwick's Burrell Collection'. The work is currently in The Granary Gallery in Berwick and is very much worth a visit. I purposely haven't included many images from the exhibitions so you can go and see all of the artwork yourself!

Berwick's Burrell Collection runs from the 1st September to 16th December and The Granary Gallery is open 11am - 5pm, Wednesday to Sunday with free admission.

Written by Sarah

"Berwick's Burrell Collection is the most important art collection in public ownership in Northumberland.
Berwick Visual Arts and Woodhorn Trust have come together to display a selection of the collection's wonderful artefacts with a series of free exhibitions over the next three years, as well as other work collected by and for the people of Berwick.
With a fortune made in shipping, Sir William Burrell purchased art and objects from around the world. Most of his collection was donated to his home in Glasgow, but around 50 paintings and 300 decorative items were given to Berwick when he moved to nearby Hutton Castle.
The collection features work by masters such as Degas, Boudin and Maris, ancient Roman and Venetian glass, Japanese imari pottery, and Ming porcelain, which will be displayed over the next three years.
Sir Roy Strong who opened the exhibition first exploded onto the national stage as Director of The National Portrait Gallery and won subsequent acclaim as a revitalizing, crusading Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum. Having spent much of his life at the helm of two great national cultural institutions and with a reputation as a quick-witted, fearless observer of the wider cultural scene, this rare visit by Sir Roy to Berwick is bound to spark a lively debate."

James Lowther, Head of Berwick Visual Art

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