Mini Shoots

What should I wear? What do we need to bring?  It is important to wear what reflects who you actually are, we want you to feel comfortable.

I only need one photograph, can you do that? To give the best possible quality and choice I take lots of photographs and select the best, however yes you can purchase one from the bunch.

What if my children are naughty or shy? I expect nothing else! As a mother I completely understand, sometimes a bit of mischief can make great photographs so don’t worry, I know every trick in the book to get a giggle and a few shots that will make your heart sing!

What if I need to reschedule?  To reschedule a session or ordering appointment, please give us at least 24 hours advance notice. 

Extended family are welcome if you would like to share the cost.

We can only be available for a shoot on a weekend but you only seem to have weekday availability? Weekend slots are snapped up very quickly so weekday slots quickly become our only available time slots.

Sarah Jamieson

I love my job. I get to capture children's first smiles, watch families grow, and I have the privilege of creating lifetime memories with them. I see couples look into each other's eyes and remember, all over again, how much they love each other. I get a kick from the pride and excitement on a business owner's face when they see their photography for the first time - pride in the company they have built and excitement about using my work to further future growth.

So if you would like to enhance your home or website with timeless photography that warms your heart and makes you proud, then welcome!

Natural Daylight and Ventilation Domes used at The New Tesco Building in Berwick

