Community, Headshots Sarah Jamieson Community, Headshots Sarah Jamieson

2020 Vision Project: A Tribute to the Heroes of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Jeremy Evans GP

Jeremy Evans GP

I was delighted to have been chosen as one of the photographers to take part in this UK-wide project creating a tribute to honour the NHS workers and heroes of the Covid-19 pandemic.

My brief included showing the individuals ‘behind the mask’ so after a bit of research, I found 2 NHS workers who also choose to save lives in their spare time. Jeremy and Claire both work for NHS and volunteer for the RNLI which is an essential service for those who live on the coast.

I am now able to share some of the work that I created as part of the ‘2020 Vision Project’ as their 'Behind The Mask' showcase exhibition was held in London at the weekend.  

Claire Mabon Ward Clerk, Oncology - Berwick

Claire Mabon Ward Clerk

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

What does a phase 3 of lockdown, 'garden wedding' in Scotland really look like?

Like many others, Amy and Callum’s wedding plans were put on hold due to Covid-19, so when they heard that you could still get married again they arranged something extra special at home for a select few (20 to be precise!).


The current phase 3 rules in Scotland* are:

  • no more than 20 people should be there (including any children)

  • this includes the couple, witnesses, guests and anyone employed by the couple, such as a photographer

  • it does not include the person doing the ceremony or staff at a venue such as hospitality staff

  • everyone should follow physical distancing rules

  • there's no limit on how many households can attend


It was hardly noticeable as it seems quite the norm now but everyone kept their distance and stayed in their household/family groups, hand sanitiser was used by anyone going into the house and anyone signing the register (the witnesses and Amy and Callum) had to use separate pens, no biggie.

It was really easy to follow those rules in the garden, everyone was so relaxed and the sun was shining it was a wonderfully joyful day with so many special moments to be treasured.


Right after the ceremony, Callum took Amy for their first dance on the lawn and then everyone else joined in, it was so beautiful and great fun! Amy hadn’t managed to have her dress altered because of the lockdown but she managed just fine by scooping it up.

Each family group had a ‘formal’ photograph taken and we did manage a group picture with everyone.

We then escaped around the side of the house for a few bride and groom portraits with Rollo the wire haired Hungarian vizsla who loved to pose.

Aside from the rules, Amy and Callum’s wedding was one of pure happiness and joy, I am so honoured that they included me as one of their 20 allowed people.

Rings: Sarah Brown

Dress: Whimsical Bride, Melrose

Kilt: 8Yards, Musselburgh

Hair: Signature (Kelso)

Flowers by McKenzie (Kelso)

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

This wedding looked friendly but it had entertainment that the guests would fight over!

I’ve been dreaming of beautiful sunny weddings and am missing special locations like Hulne Abbey in Alnwick which is so stunning on a summers day, perfect for a secluded and private family wedding.

Fab bit of broomstick training back at Alnwick Castle after the ceremony for all those Harry Potter fans!

Helen, Richard and guests dined in the Guest Hall with a bit of dancing before returning home to Newcastle safely tucked up on the coach.

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

A Joyful Celebration: Mel and James' Fun, Informal Wedding After-Party at Marshall Meadows Manor House Hotel in Berwick upon Tweed

Mel and James celebrated their wedding with a fun, informal after-party at the wonderful Marshall Meadows Manor House Hotel in Berwick upon Tweed. Having tied the knot in Brighton a few weeks earlier, this gathering was a delightful opportunity for the couple to share their happiness with loved ones from home.

Hidden just north of Berwick, Marshall Meadows’ breathtaking natural beauty and historic charm set the stage for family and friends to come together to celebrate Mel and James.

I tried to capture every heartfelt moment of this after-party celebration. From the beaming smiles of the couple as they mingled with guests, to the playful children with their bubble wands, each snapshot shows the genuine love and happiness shared by all.

As a wedding photographer, capturing such special moments is an honour and a privilege. If you're looking for a professional photographer to document your own wedding or special event in Berwick upon Tweed or its surrounding areas, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's create everlasting memories together!

The best way to get in touch with me is to book a telephone call by using the button below.

Or if you want to learn more about my wedding and party packages and pricing, visit the weddings page.

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Commercial, Community Sarah Jamieson Commercial, Community Sarah Jamieson

58 Berwick People Working Hard Throughout the Pandemic

Lockdown Workers Project

32 portraits in one day highlighting Independent businesses in Berwick upon Tweed. We appreciate you!

Nothing will work unless you do.
— Maya Angelou

Have I missed anyone? Let me know in the comments :)

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Commercial, Headshots, Products Sarah Jamieson Commercial, Headshots, Products Sarah Jamieson

A Great Blend of PR, Headshots, and Product Photography for Innovative Local Firm, Silvery Tweed Cereals

Over the last few years, we have completed quite a variety of photography work for Silvery Tweed Cereals, from Headshots of lab technicians and managers to new machinery and facilities, and large fleet vehicles.

We have also covered events and charitable activities for STC who have been celebrating their 175th anniversary. One event that sticks in my mind was a great summer fete for their staff. The fete raised £1500 which was donated to local charities; Berwick Lifeboats, Berwickshire Riders for the Disabled Association, The Grove School, and Berwick Cancer Cars.

Another charitable activity we covered was the new ‘Silvery Tweed Technical Centre’ at Berwick Middle School. STC funded a school kitchen refurbishment, which included six new ovens, pasta machines, a barbecue, UV bacteria lights, chopping boards and utensils, nutritional analysis software, as well as a new lighting system and painting.

More recently we completed a project with Silvery Tweed and Fords the Bakers who tested out 6 new blends for artisan bread. You can read about it here on the blog, or on British Baker Magazine or in the local press, Northumberland Gazette.

These are the beautiful breads made from the blends by Fords the Bakers. I spent an afternoon photographing the loaves of bread in the studio with technicians from STC. These photos will be used: to advertise the new blends; as product photography for their brochures and website; and in sales catalogs.

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Family, Location Sarah Jamieson Family, Location Sarah Jamieson

Winter Family Session at Home on the Farm

Winter Family Session at Home on the Farm

It’s not easy photographing a family with a new baby who’s under the weather and with two little ones running around; gee whizz that boy can run!

So Carly and I decided that this would be a very quick session at their farmhouse. Luckily Carly had purchased some gorgeous outfits for them all to wear over the festive period and she had followed my ‘what to wear’ email! No clothing changes were needed when I got there which really helped everyone stay camera ready.


Carly needed just a couple of nice family photographs to send to extended family over Christmas.

Grandpa had specially requested a family photograph for his Christmas gift. It was the only present he wanted; no pressure then! They live in the old family home so hopefully using the front door would mean something extra special to him.


We were running very close to the Christmas print deadlines, so we decided it would be much easier to make an online gallery for Carly to order from. Having to arrange childcare and coming into the studio for a ‘view and choose’ session would have been difficult at such a busy time of year and would have made the process of getting prints take longer.

The online gallery option is available on request. Web galleries are usually used by customers who live far away from Berwick or have family further afield or for people who have portraits taken when they are holidaying in the area and head home before I have had time to process the photographs for viewing.

Written by Sarah

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Children, White Studio Sarah Jamieson Children, White Studio Sarah Jamieson

Maternity: White Studio Session

I’ve been photographing pregnant ladies for over 12 years now and this has got to be one of my favourite sessions to date. I’m absolutely loving the white (fake) studio window, the light it gives is so flattering, it feels like we are in a posh hotel room with bright Mediterranean sunshine streaming through, even on a gloomy rainy day in Berwick!

Rachel brought in her husband’s favourite white shirt and wore some simple white lingerie, this was a very quick session to document her baby bump.

Photographs published with express written permission.

Written by Sarah

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Children, Studio, White Studio Sarah Jamieson Children, Studio, White Studio Sarah Jamieson

White Studio Sessions: Timeless Beauty and Emotion

The studio has been adapted for our White Studio Sessions. A simple and timeless look featuring a soft and flattering false window light (which means that these sessions are available regardless of the weather or time of day).

The White Studio Sessions are ideal for capturing milestones between pregnancy to around age 4. I use delicate muted textures in the set and advise you to dress simply in white or cream clothing to ensure all the focus is on baby and you, not on your outfit choices.

These sessions are made to tell a story and capture the beauty and emotion between the baby and you. I can also capture siblings together or the family in the White Studio.

Outfit planning

  • White Studio outfit planning is really easy, we recommend a combination of whites, creams and beiges as colours can be distracting.

  • Coordinate everything as if you were choosing one outfit.

  • Textures are sooooo goood.

  • Make changing easy. Changing a child’s full outfit is not recommended; however, quickly changing a top is fine.

  • Make sure nail-coloured varnish is removed before the shoot (toes and fingers), a fresh french polish or similar for mum is fine.

  • Simple is timeless.

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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

9 Easy Peasy Tips for Non-Cringy Conference Calls

How to Stop Cringing through your FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts and Skype Team Calls

Whether you are working from home and chatting with your colleagues, doing professional client meetings, or just meeting up in Houseparty with friends, I have a few simple and easy tips to help you look and feel your best on screen for little or no cost.

You might be wondering with all that is going on in the world right now, is looking your best on camera really so important? Well, I think it is and, especially for work, if you look and feel your best you will feel confident and perform at your best. 

Just a few small tweaks can give you that confidence and you will no longer be distracted by that little awkward thumbnail in the corner with your face on.

  • Light: The most important thing is light. Natural light is always best so try to schedule your calls during the day and have the window in front of you (behind the camera). Switch off room lights as they can create a colour cast which is that awful yellow glow lights give.

  • Evening Calls: If there is no natural light available, you can use small LED lights or buy a cheap desktop ‘ring light’ from Amazon for around £20. 

If you are working from a desktop PC, a free alternative is to turn up the screen brightness to full and make your desktop background white then shrink the video call window and place it in the middle of your screen. This will act like a big white light right in front of you!

Plain white desktop picture with brightness up

Plain white desktop picture with brightness up

Normal desktop picture

Normal desktop picture

  • Filters/Make-up: There are filters on video apps but they can make you look fake, blurry or like a potato! It’s more professional and honest to just look naturally well-lit and like yourself. If you don’t want to look tired, make-up is recommended. You can wear more make-up on camera than you usually would for a meeting as it doesn’t show up as much as in real life; blusher or bronzer are good as they give a warm and healthy look. 

    I’m no expert on make-up, so I spoke to Jenny Ross, a professional make-up artist. She said: “A touch of concealer under the eyes and on the lid will waken up the eye if it’s been a long day, then just some mascara to open up the eyes. Lip balms are great for just adding a soft sheen to the lips without it looking like you’ve gone overboard with makeup but still need some hydration on your lips. Warm up the face with bronzer on the cheeks and forehead. Powder any shiny bits if you are using lighting in the evening. A tiny bit of pressed or loose powder will do for the nose, cheeks, and forehead.”

  • Wardrobe: Wear what you would normally wear to meet your client, colleagues, employer or friends. Unfussy collars, block colours and large print work well. Small patterns or checks can make the camera go fuzzy so it’s best to avoid those. When the warmer weather starts, be sure to avoid strapless tops as you run the risk of looking naked on camera!

  • Camera Position: If you are using a laptop, pop it on a stand or use some books as you will find the angle unflattering. I’m sure you don’t want clients looking up your nose! Desktop PCs usually have a good camera position. If you are using a mobile phone, try and prop it up at slightly above eye-level height. A small mobile tripod or clamp can help since hand-holding causes camera movement which can be distracting to the viewer and will get tiresome for your arm very quickly.

  • Orientation: Phone users tend to use portrait orientation and PC or laptop users tend to use landscape orientation. Look at what the others on your call screen are using, and if you are on a phone when everyone is on a desktop, think about turning the phone to the side to fit in with the rest. Most people will be new to this so don’t worry about changing it up; practice makes perfect.

  • Distance: Think about how far away you would usually sit from a client or friend. Too close to the camera feels over-familiar and uncomfortable but too far away is distracting and can affect your audio.

  • Background: Your background will depend on where in the room you are positioned for the best light. Declutter your background as much as possible; less is more. Make sure nothing is moving behind you (like a fan) and close doors to deter pets and children from entering and running around behind you.

  • One last thought; make sure you are not too far away from your internet router. After all this set up, the last thing you would want is for the call to drop out.

That’s it! 9 top tips for non-cringe video calls. Please let me know in the comments below which of these tips has helped you the most. Enjoy your chats!

Written by Sarah

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

Anne and Simon's Sunny May Wedding at St Anne's Church, Ancroft

Thinking back to when sunny weekends were for hugging loved ones and dancing with friends without fear. I can’t wait for those times to return, I think we will appreciate them so much more.

I was delighted when Simon and Anne asked me to photograph their wedding last year because they are a lovely couple and I’ve always wanted to visit the 11th-century church in Ancroft.

St Anne’s is quite a unique church, built at the end of the 11th Century by the Holy Island monks. There are views of Bamburgh and Holy Island from the church on a clear day and it has the most fantastic big red tree in the centre of the churchyard.

The reception was held at Marshall Meadows Hotel and, as you will see we stopped en-route at Cocklawburn Beach, a favourite of Anne and Simons for a short walk with Sally the dog and some photographs with the lovely vintage car.

Beautiful wedding cake by Robert Whitten.

Prior to our big day, we met with Sarah in her studio. She confirmed everything in written form which gave us confidence and important trust in her abilities. We felt very comfortable because of her friendly approach as well as her skills and knowledge as a professional photographer.

Some aspects of our wedding day were challenging, however, Sarah performed above and beyond our expectations. It became evident to us during the day how much Sarah was able to engage easily with everyone at the wedding without being overly intrusive or fussy; the outcome was a natural yet professional collection of images. Great observational skills ensured she sensed when we were becoming overwhelmed and intervened discreetly to encourage us to take a break.

I was very impressed by Sarah’s ability to even get the attention of our dog Sally so she too looked great in the photographs!

There are many stresses associated with the planning of a wedding however the photography arrangements flowed perfectly thanks to Sarah who in our opinion is more than a photographer she is an essential member of your wedding party.
Thank You Sarah from the bottom of our hearts xx
— Anne and Simon Henderson
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Headshots Sarah Jamieson Headshots Sarah Jamieson

Craig Connor, Social Media Influencer and Model

Craig popped up to Berwick today to update his modelling portfolio. Craig is a social media influencer and is represented by @buzz_talent_ and managed by @my.influencers.

We needed to get a range of shots for his portfolio; full length, mid-length, some different expressions and in various locations, including the studio.

I’m really excited to see how far he goes, follow @craigconnor on Instagram to follow along with me!

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

A relaxed family wedding then an epic party at Doxford Hall Hotel

Karen and James enjoyed a weekend retreat wedding at Doxford Hall, they and most of their guests stayed and took advantage of the lovely facilities at Doxford over the weekend of their wedding. This wedding was so full of love and laughter and it shines through in the pictures.

Karen made sure that she used local suppliers like Jodi Lamb for the makeup, Charlie from The Salon for hair and Buds the florists from Tweedmouth.

I was really impressed by the cake maker who painted the wedding cake to Karen’s bespoke design in the morning, that must be a scary job!


The weather was not ideal for family group photographs outside (remember storm Dennis? yeah, that.) but we did manage a very quick group photo with everyone from the daytime, brave people.

The Kennedy Suite at Doxford is a huge hall so you can’t really tell here but there were about 250 guests in the evening and every one of them really knew how to party! So so many friends!!

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Wedding Sarah Jamieson Wedding Sarah Jamieson

A Locally Sourced Holy Island Wedding on a Special Date

Sarah and Alan chose to marry on the second of the second of twenty twenty or 2/2/2020, a special date, a Sunday wedding, and in a very special location, Lindisfarne Castle on Holy Island.

It was lovely to hear Margaret and Andy Watchhorn, The Northumberland Pipers, again. In fact, everything to do with the wedding was local or locally sourced: the beautiful flowers were from Buds at Berwick; the drinks and cake were all made on the island; the wedding cake was by the amazing Pilgrims Cafe; and, obviously, Lindisfarne Mead had to be consumed!

The view from the Upper Battery is pretty spectacular on any day and from any direction (I’m not saying it won’t be cold or windy though)!

After the ceremony and a few family group shots, the Glen Valley minibus took the guests to the Bothy Bar at Barn at Beal for an entertaining afternoon reception.

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