PR Photography for The Railway Man Premiere at The Maltings, Berwick upon Tweed

The Railway Man Premiere PR Photography

I was honoured to do some PR photography for The Maltings Theatre and Cinema in Berwick where The Railway Man film (starring Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman) was premiered.

The premiere was hosted by The Maltings and was a very special event for Berwick town; the venue was chosen as it was near the writer Eric Lomax’s home but we don’t usually get celebs around here!

I enjoyed the film and seeing parts of Berwick in it and I thought the book was exceptional. I’m glad I read the book before seeing the movie.

Sarah Jamieson

I love my job. I get to capture children's first smiles, watch families grow, and I have the privilege of creating lifetime memories with them. I see couples look into each other's eyes and remember, all over again, how much they love each other. I get a kick from the pride and excitement on a business owner's face when they see their photography for the first time - pride in the company they have built and excitement about using my work to further future growth.

So if you would like to enhance your home or website with timeless photography that warms your heart and makes you proud, then welcome!

Publicity Head Shot Photography: Biorationale


Headshots for Carol from SPEAK