Cashmere Scarf Design with Sinclair Duncan and Radio Border's 'Cash for Kids'

Cashmere Scarf Design with Sinclair Duncan and Radio Border's 'Cash for Kids'

In February I was commissioned by Radio Borders to photograph various models wearing a pretty cashmere scarf. I was intrigued by why the radio station was promoting scarfs for Valentines and Mothers Day so when I heard that Sinclair Duncan had been making limited editions, designed by a local school girl, and that all the profits were going to the Cash for Kids charity, I was very keen to be involved.

Here is the story behind the scarf.

In late 2015, Sinclair Duncan invited 70 Primary and Secondary schools in the Scottish Borders to enter a competition. They asked them to design a scarf for a local charity, Cash for Kids. The scarf would be 100% cashmere and it would be made in Scotland by Sinclair Duncan.

Sales and Marketing Director at Sinclair Duncan, Debbie Paterson, announced the winner live on the radio at the winner's school assembly: “The entries received were of such a high standard, but there was one that stood out for all of us. The careful choice of colour and contemporary design shows talent beyond her years.” Little did the winner (9-year-old Eve McKenzie from Knowepark Primary School in Selkirk) know what an impact sales from her scarf would have on her community:

All profits from the scarves would go to charity and the profits ensured that:

  • 7 children snuggled up in their own bed for the first time

  • 3 autistic children can play in specially adapted safe places

  • 1000 children woke up to gifts at Christmas of 2015

  • 45 children will have warm clothes and shoes

  • A family can sit down to warm cooked meals

Here is Eve getting ready to model the scarf.

CLICK HERE to watch the video showing some of the manufacturing processes of the winning scarf and also. Proud Eve showing off her amazing talent.

These scarfs are limited edition and are bound to sell out fast, remember all profits from every scarf in this design go to local children's charity Cash For Kids, CLICK HERE to buy now!

Even Lorraine has one. (Not my photo, Lorraine took her own selfie.)

Here is one of the Valentine-themed and some of the Mother’s Day-themed photographs.

Remember, the scarfs are limited edition and selling out fast, ALL of the profits from every scarf in this design goes to local children's charity Cash for Kids, CLICK HERE to buy a lovely scarf. 

Well done Eve!

Written by Sarah

Sarah Jamieson

I love my job. I get to capture children's first smiles, watch families grow, and I have the privilege of creating lifetime memories with them. I see couples look into each other's eyes and remember, all over again, how much they love each other. I get a kick from the pride and excitement on a business owner's face when they see their photography for the first time - pride in the company they have built and excitement about using my work to further future growth.

So if you would like to enhance your home or website with timeless photography that warms your heart and makes you proud, then welcome!

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