Pictorial Photography

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A Great Blend of PR, Headshots, and Product Photography for Innovative Local Firm, Silvery Tweed Cereals

Over the last few years, we have completed quite a variety of photography work for Silvery Tweed Cereals, from Headshots of lab technicians and managers to new machinery and facilities, and large fleet vehicles.

We have also covered events and charitable activities for STC who have been celebrating their 175th anniversary. One event that sticks in my mind was a great summer fete for their staff. The fete raised £1500 which was donated to local charities; Berwick Lifeboats, Berwickshire Riders for the Disabled Association, The Grove School, and Berwick Cancer Cars.

Another charitable activity we covered was the new ‘Silvery Tweed Technical Centre’ at Berwick Middle School. STC funded a school kitchen refurbishment, which included six new ovens, pasta machines, a barbecue, UV bacteria lights, chopping boards and utensils, nutritional analysis software, as well as a new lighting system and painting. https://www.silverytweedcereals.co.uk/News-and-Updates/

More recently we completed a project with Silvery Tweed and Fords the Bakers who tested out 6 new blends for artisan bread. You can read about it here on the blog, or on British Baker Magazine or in the local press, Northumberland Gazette.

These are the beautiful breads made from the blends by Fords the Bakers. I spent an afternoon photographing the loaves of bread in the studio with technicians from STC. These photos will be used: to advertise the new blends; as product photography for their brochures and website; and in sales catalogs.