Pictorial Photography

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Publicity Head Shot Photography: Biorationale

Publicity Head Shot Photography

Today we had 2 publicity photoshoots, mainly head shots and profile photographs for websites of small - medium sized businesses working from home, the first and most interesting was of Roma, a horticultural scientist from Lintlaw near Coldstream..

We used a variety of different natural and farming backgrounds for several organic style images and also some on a white background for a more clinical and scientific look. 


Online Identity: Headshots That Make A Compelling First Impression

By Sue Brettell, Online Identity Design and Communication specialist creating compelling personal brand web design and copy for dynamic solopreneurs and professionals.

When building a strong and compelling brand for yourself, quality professional photographs are essential. Whether you're a solopreneur or practitioner, an executive or a careerist, your headshot can make a big difference to how you are perceived.

If you are communicating a message of quality, your entire marketing campaign is dependent on strong personal images. The portrait on your website attracts or reassures your prospective clients; the headshot on your CV or resume could make a first impression that determines whether you get the interview or audition; the picture that accompanies your fabulous magazine article gives you credibility.

It's well documented that people make up their minds about each other within the first few seconds of meeting. The way you look, your body language, your tone of voice and your overall presentation comprises a staggering 93% of the criteria people use when they form an opinion about you. This impression tends to stick, no matter what you say or do subsequently. The same can apply to your online identity, including your photograph.

Even the most beautifully crafted layout and copy can be let down by a poor head shot, yet many people make do with home snapshots which do them no justice at all.

Why do you need a head shot on your website?

A good head shot is an opportunity for you to personalise your website. It helps to build a picture of who you are and establish a connection with your prospective client or employer. If you want to make a terrific first impression, it pays to look your best and to exude warmth and sincerity. It's an opportunity to visually project your brand attributes: colours, characteristics and quirks that are associated with your brand.

Find a good photographer

Make sure you're going to have a good rapport with the photographer: if you're happy and relaxed, your headshots will be more natural and attractive.

To truly set yourself apart from the rest and establish a brand identity for your business, you should aim to set aside a portion of your marketing budget for professional quality product photography.  By all means, if you're looking to hire a friendly commercial photographer, feel free to check out our portfolio and contact us.

P.S. We have expert retouchers, and designers on hand who can airbrush your shots so that you look fabulous and the shots still look natural and untouched - this can also be done for clients who are registered with dating websites or those who are a little self concious and would like to have that bit more confidence in their profile images.